Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Music Industry

I think there is a problem in the music industry. I will admit that I am a little biased in my opinions. I do not enjoy most all-female bands, and I don't like most kids singers. Of course there are exceptions. I believe that the industry is still focusing on marketability over quality music. Who can blame them though, they want money to stay afloat. I just hate seeing quality bands stay underground because they don't appeal to certain audiences. Its true about the industry as well, when they say you have to know somebody. Will Smith's kids get to much of a leg up. First there was karate kid for his son, now his daughter is a ghetto chick, on Jay-Z's Roc Nation... WHYY!!!! I don't understand. This song is so repetitive, and the "Whip My Hair" part makes me want to pull my hair out. I'll never understand some things.

On a contradictory note. Dr Dres future first single (apparantly.. who knows with him..) called Kush has just been posted on his website. Its actually very decent. I do like some rappers, and him I like. I don't like the drug references, but his flow, and beats are rather catchy. Plus it has snoop dogg. Snoop Doggs timbre is off the wall.

I also just downloaded the new My Chemical Romance. Insanely good. Check it out!!

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