Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rememberance Day. Looking Back on the Past Bit in Music.

This is going to be another slam blog of everything that is good in the music world. On September 28th Jimmy Eat World released their new album Invented. I myself had pre-ordered a copy of the deluxe edition (with four bonus tracks). Oddly enough, through a string of circumstances I did not recieve it until late october. Anyways, when I listened to this album, it transported me to another world. Jim Adkins takes his lyrical prowress to a whole new level on this disc. Each song is an individual story, a piece of someones life. What I like about this concept is that its just a slice of someones life. That is all we really remember about someone. We only remember certain things, and never the whole picture. Humans are funny like that. Adkins writes little stories about people, and does it with such effect to make any teenager, or adult blush. The whole album is a standout to me. Songs like "Cut" and "littlething" are catchy sing alongs, where "Invented" and "Mixtape" are more atmospheric building songs. A little bit of something for everyone.

What else have I been listening to. A Day to Remember ("Popcore"-Pop punk-Hardcore) is a band that has always got my head banging along. They are currently about to release their new album What Seperates Me From You. This album is going to be big for them. Each song is consistant, with a never stop rocking feel to it. The album only has 10 songs, so each song is full quality, and keeps rolling to the end. The energy is felt the whole way throughout. Standout tracks include "All I Want"and "All Signs Point to Lauderdale". Its a great album who just want to have some fun, with a very high quality modern pop punk/hardcore album. With a scene that does not have much substance left. These guys have some heart left. Its good to hear.

Whats the deal with Love the Way You Lie (Part 2). I hate this thing in the music industry where they get one big hit, and they have to sell and exploit is muc has they can. Originally it was in overplaying it on the radio. Now they have to do this thing where they make sequels. There is Airplanes pt 1 and 2. Love the Way You 1 and 2. Its just really corny. There are already 200 remixes for every pop song, why do they have to make sequels now.. I guess its all about the money.

I must say though that Rihanna's new album is very decent though. She has one heck of a set of pipes on her. She can belt out notes very well. I would recommend that album. Another thing. All Of The Lights- Kanye West feat (200 other well known people) came out. Its amazing as well. I love Rihanna's voice in it. heck, even Kanye doesn't ruin the massive feel to it. He just builds to it. He gives a nice shout out to Michael Jackson. Speaking of him.. his new song "Breaking News" came out. Its alright, but it will never beat his past works. Whether or not it is his voice I can not say, his timbre is not entirely known to me. Perhaps there was some vocal modulation, but I can not be sure. Its a decet song.. and always could be worse.

I have been going a bit back in time. I have been enjoying the song "Crying Lightning" by the Arctic Monkeys. Amazing Queens of the Stone Age feel. Also Daft Punk ad the Tron album is coming out soon. The Tron album is unremarkable, and more of a movie feel (no vocals), but it reminded me of all their past great work. "One More Time" and the Alive 2007 album. They are great- great music and great get-ups. Check them out if you haven't yet. On my to do list next is my own song, which I will hopefully post soon!!!

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