Monday, November 1, 2010

The Most Scarring Video of All Time

This song should have been posted on Halloween because it is possible the most scarring video I have ever watched. What it encompasses can only be watched and not described. I believe that a video has the ability to ruin a song for a person, and this does just that.

Queens of the Stone Age, on their album Era Vulgaris, which came out in 2007, was a big hit with songs like "I Wanna Make It Wit Chu" and "3's and 7's" (Yes from Guitar Hero III). This song was actually the lead single. Its video which has mutiliation and cannibalism in it, is hard to watch. I the time I watched this video I stayed glued to the television. Not from enjoyment, but from fear, I could not get away from the screen. Its basic idea is what scared me. As I am posting this, I most likely won't even watch the video again. The feel that this song gives me is one that is very disgusting. QOTSA wanted to go for a controversial, gross feeling, and they definitely pulled it off. Enjoy the vulgarity of the day.

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