Sunday, December 12, 2010

Prepping for Christmas. Documentary Plan

The State of Christmas

Theme: In the modern age Christmas is based more on commercialism rather than what Christmas was originally intended to be about.

Point of View: For this documentary, we don't want to focus on the religious aspect of Christmas, because Christmas is now celebrated by many religious denominations. Christmas can be changed depended on the level of religion, and what religion the person is. What will be focused on in this documentary is the nature of a modern Christmas. We believe that Christmas gift giving is not in the spirit it should be. The focus now is more on the spirit of receiving rather than the spirit of giving. It could even be said that we only give s o that we can get.

Run Through: Wish List

-Recorded images of a shopping mall, Wal-Mart or some other store during the Christmas holiday. It will be put in forward motion. This will be done to show the lifestyle of the modern season. The hustle and the bustle, the craze of Christmas. Overdubbed over these shots will be voiceovers of comments about the craze of Christmas. Statistics about Christmas will be given, sales-wise.

- The host of the show (either Spencer or Chapin) is walking down the street (most likely the square), the camera will be shot on the whole body, showing the walking motion. The host will be talking about the spirit, and history of Christmas.

-On the square, random interviews will be done about Christmas. The goal is to find comments based on the commercial aspect of Christmas. Some sample questions:

"What is your favourite thing about Christmas?",

"What is your favourite memory of Christmas?",

"Do you believe Christmas is based on commercial appeal?"

We want them to say "presents", to make it seem as selfish as possible.

These shots will be done standing up, and in a casual manner. Possible head shot.

-Interviews with a women who is in charge of a charitable time during Christmas. This is done to show that Christmas does have its upsides, and that less fortunate people are out there. Head shots, and questions.

-A possible interview with a less fortunate Christmas goers.

B-Roll. Christmas trees, and Christmas scenery. Perhaps home Christmas movies. Interview a storekeeper about how important Christmas is.

The goal is to find out what Christmas really means. What is Christmas?


To get towards the interviews on the street, the host walking section will flow nicely into it. Another host section may be done to get towards to the food bank. This will be done in a manner like an "Investigation" into Christmas. The goal of this show is more like an investigation, so that that the truth is found.


Will be a mixture of overdub (done over the intro), and live. We have to use the video microphones, because no other microphones can be found. We may end up doing more overdubs on the day of shooting, and depending on the quality we get.


We plan on starting the shoot on the week of the 13th. We have to take into account we have a limited Christmas season, or 12 days or so. We have to take into account that the weather must be ideal for outside shots. We have to find days to get the Cameras, which must be booked early. We will hopefulyl edit over the holidays. We will most likely use only one or two shots. This will give the doc a more raw, feel. We may use multiple shots to give an effect for each question.

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