Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Just a quick post. This band is something that has been consistantly in my ear the past month. Their new album Killing Time comes out in February, 2011. This band is Bayside, a punk/alternative band that has been around since 2000. They are a great band, with dark/intriguing lyrics mixed with a punk/metalic background. There are interesting and musically dynamic. The vocals are quite crisp and unique enough to stick in your head. Very good and I am quite looking forward to the new album. Check it out.

Blood and Guts: Documentary Review

Not for the faint of heart. For all the want-to-be surgeons in the world or those who love gore, then the first input into the aptly named “Blood and Guts” documentary series is definitely for you. This series focuses on different aspects of surgical procedures, giving both the history and some medical insight into modern surgery. For part one of the BBC Channels history of surgery, the focus is on the brain. Michael Mosley does a fantastic job of introducing the topic at hand, making the documentary seem very appealing, drawing you right in. The way the whole show is neatly summarised at the beginning gives the viewer time to get into the certain mindset required for the show. As said earlier, this is not for the faint of heart and this is not an understatement.

Michael Mosley starts the show in a live brain surgery. A woman is having a tumour removed from the deep areas of the brain. What makes this a stunning procedure is that only local anaesthetic is used- she is fully conscious throughout the surgery. The viewer is shown the skull being removed with a saw, which to the average person is very grotesque. This is a very rare experience- to see a live surgery- most often it is hard to enter the viewing area and even harder to get a camera in. The shots of the actual surgery are fantastic and the whole experience is shown with no detail being missed.

After this the history of how modern surgery developed is shown, which helps start the documentary at full pace. The documentary uses the full advantage of modern technology, using historic clips, old pictures, digital images and re-enactments. These sections are just as gory as the surgeries shown earlier. The medical examples are very interesting and do a very good job of building emotion. These stories will not be easily forgotten and will allow the viewer to remember concepts very easy.
There is a focus throughout the documentary about how the past relates to the future. Many of the examples shown, such as the development of the lobotomy, show how advanced modern surgery is. Lobotomies are a form of surgery where an ice pick is shoved into the brain (through the eye cavity if it is transorbital) and swivelled around. This is done to change behavioural aspects of the patient. One can definitely be thankful for living in the era we live in after this show. Another amazing thing about this documentary is the fact that medical terms become easy to digest. Along with the strong stories to relate to each concept, the everyday descriptions and visual images allow very difficult terminology to become easy to understand.

The editing throughout the documentary is very well done. Shots are cut in such an order to give maximum emotional effect. There is good variety of b-roll, re-enactments and interviews to make the documentary never seem stagnant in one spot.

The documentary ends with the successful surgery of the patient shown at the beginning of the documentary. The surgery goes as planned and shows how effective modern brain surgery is compared to what it used to be like. This is not the most effective example, however. A patient with Parkinson is treated with an electrode implant into his brain to disrupt certain signals and stop motor skill degradation. He is shown after his surgery. The implant almost makes the patient seem to be robotic-like. It makes one wonder how far surgery should go, before it becomes almost unnatural.

This documentary shows that there are successes and failures to all surgeries, but luckily the era we are in has many more successes. The show makes good use of editing techniques taking the viewer for an emotional rollercoaster, while giving difficult medical terminology and concepts in an easy-to-digest manner. The exposure to mass amounts of gore allows the prospective surgeon to build their stomach tolerance up. For those who have an interest in the subject of surgery, this is the perfect documentary for them. Documentaries like these should be readily available to future surgeons or students thinking about getting into the field. It allows them to know if the profession is for them, letting them not to go into a profession they have little knowledge of. This documentary is great, but not for the everyday person, however, if surgery is something you like, then definitely check it out.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Time!

I tried this video again. After many trials I have figured it out, and have it up. Its still blocked in Germany.. it must be the David Bowie. In anycase. Get in the spirit!!

Lets spread the Christmas cheer.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Prepping for Christmas. Documentary Plan

The State of Christmas

Theme: In the modern age Christmas is based more on commercialism rather than what Christmas was originally intended to be about.

Point of View: For this documentary, we don't want to focus on the religious aspect of Christmas, because Christmas is now celebrated by many religious denominations. Christmas can be changed depended on the level of religion, and what religion the person is. What will be focused on in this documentary is the nature of a modern Christmas. We believe that Christmas gift giving is not in the spirit it should be. The focus now is more on the spirit of receiving rather than the spirit of giving. It could even be said that we only give s o that we can get.

Run Through: Wish List

-Recorded images of a shopping mall, Wal-Mart or some other store during the Christmas holiday. It will be put in forward motion. This will be done to show the lifestyle of the modern season. The hustle and the bustle, the craze of Christmas. Overdubbed over these shots will be voiceovers of comments about the craze of Christmas. Statistics about Christmas will be given, sales-wise.

- The host of the show (either Spencer or Chapin) is walking down the street (most likely the square), the camera will be shot on the whole body, showing the walking motion. The host will be talking about the spirit, and history of Christmas.

-On the square, random interviews will be done about Christmas. The goal is to find comments based on the commercial aspect of Christmas. Some sample questions:

"What is your favourite thing about Christmas?",

"What is your favourite memory of Christmas?",

"Do you believe Christmas is based on commercial appeal?"

We want them to say "presents", to make it seem as selfish as possible.

These shots will be done standing up, and in a casual manner. Possible head shot.

-Interviews with a women who is in charge of a charitable time during Christmas. This is done to show that Christmas does have its upsides, and that less fortunate people are out there. Head shots, and questions.

-A possible interview with a less fortunate Christmas goers.

B-Roll. Christmas trees, and Christmas scenery. Perhaps home Christmas movies. Interview a storekeeper about how important Christmas is.

The goal is to find out what Christmas really means. What is Christmas?


To get towards the interviews on the street, the host walking section will flow nicely into it. Another host section may be done to get towards to the food bank. This will be done in a manner like an "Investigation" into Christmas. The goal of this show is more like an investigation, so that that the truth is found.


Will be a mixture of overdub (done over the intro), and live. We have to use the video microphones, because no other microphones can be found. We may end up doing more overdubs on the day of shooting, and depending on the quality we get.


We plan on starting the shoot on the week of the 13th. We have to take into account we have a limited Christmas season, or 12 days or so. We have to take into account that the weather must be ideal for outside shots. We have to find days to get the Cameras, which must be booked early. We will hopefulyl edit over the holidays. We will most likely use only one or two shots. This will give the doc a more raw, feel. We may use multiple shots to give an effect for each question.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Youtube Is a Grinch

In light in finding out that my last video was flagged for being under copyright issues. I have decided that Youtube is codename for the Grinch. I tried a second time, but sadly, they didn't like Jimmy Eat World better than Coldplay. Time to whip out the ol' Sinatra.. for another day perhaps! Never fear, Christmas cheer will not be killed!

Its Christmas Time

With yet another snow day at my disposal, I decided to put together a nice little collection of christmas videos. These are some very good moments that will really get you in the mood for Christmas. The song is the new Christmas single from Coldplay. Love it. I also love the fact I have made three videos in the past four days.. I think I need schol back.


Monday, December 6, 2010

The Best Of MTV Music Video Awards

So it just so happens on a snow day you have to find something to do. What better than to make a "Best Of" the MTV Music Video Awards. Celebrities do some stupid things. Lets look back and see. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sabrina The Teenage Witch End of An Era... Preview!

This is the video I wanted to do for my Mix-Up assignment. Sabrina the Teenage Witch was my favourite childhood television show. It was such an interesting show, the magic, the romance, the comedy, Salem.. everything about it was so new and amazing to me. This show will always hold a special place in my heart. This video I believe plays well with music, and is a preview/rundown of the season four finale. Its been mixed, re-edited, with new music added, and put into new context. This preview makes the tone much more serious as the jokes are mainly removed. This makes Sabrina seem less like a comedy, and more like a romance. Enjoy the new one. I know I did, my heart strings were definitely tapped during this project.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Early December Music

SO its another month, and I have not really updated this thing in a little while . I need to whip up what I am listening to right at this very moment. Well, maybe not right this moment, but you get the point. So first, I am loving the new (and first) song by D.R.U.G.S. The new band with ex-Chiodos member Craig Owens. Craig was left (or kicked out of) Chiodos last year for reasons unknown. It was thought he was going to stop making music (all that drama these new bands like to make...), but no he started this band. This band consists of members from other post-hardcore mid-popularity bands, so its a fairly talented band. The first song is called "If you think so is about you, it probably is". It is a very dynamic song, going from soft to loud throughout. I think it is the perfect Owens song, it shows off his versatility. His crooning vocals and screaming mix in quite nicely. Check it Out.

I am also loving the new Patrick Stump Song, Spotlight.. there are two versions out, and I love both, but the one below is the slower version. Patrick Stump is such an interesting figure. His vocals I believe are very interesting, he has a very strong voice on record, and is very different for a pop punk band. I believe his vocals and music are more pop, but his style and lyrics are more punk and emo. Its interesting. I like his work, and this solo album of his that is coming out, is going to be very strong I believe.

I am also loving the new Neon Trees single "1983". For some reason I love songs that have years in their names... 1979, 1985, etc etc... maybe its the sense of rememberence. No clue. Anyways, its another very good song by a heavily electronic/rock band.

Some other thoughts for the next bit on music and more. Nicki Minaji is much bigger than I thought she would be. Her verse on Kanye's Monster is insanely good, but thats the extent I like of her so far, we shall see. My Chemical Romances new album turned out to be amazing as expected. Not a big fan of the new Black Eyed Peas, too similar to The E.N.D. Boring.. Will.I.Am needs to pick things up, they are falling behind. .. Apparantly according to NASA Aliens may exist and may run off of Arsenic.. interesting, changes our views on life forms and how they can form.. maybe DNA is not the only building block.

In project news. I hope the video interviews finish soon, the shooting is done, editing done these next few weeks. Mix and mash is in the thoughts process. Documentaries are being watched. Here we go.

And to finish this off.. everyone loves oldschool rap.