Sunday, October 3, 2010


This is going to be a slam blog of everything that has happened the past little bit in the world of music. Firstly, there are a number of albums that are making me super excited. First, the new My Chemical Romance album. Its coming out this November, and its going to be big. Just like the Black Parade, which was probably a number of angsty teenagers favourite album back in 2006. It was an epic concept album based upon the death of a man, and it was glorious. The guitar solos, the lyrics, it was the whole package. This new album promises to be similar, with it also being based on far out themes. From what we have heard- the intro track, and the lead single Na Na Na (which is burning up the airwaves already- an epic rock anthem). What I am liking is the radio anouncer. It reminds me of the Warriors I love the announcer in the movie. It gives me chills. This album is making me extremely excited.

Whats next. Shortly, the new Linkin Park album came out. A Thousand Suns. Although its not my favourite release by them. It is still alright. Songs to look at are, The Catalyst, Wretches and Kings, When They Come for Me and Irridescent.

On November 2nd Weezer is releasing two new albums. The first one is the Pinkerton Reissue deluxe edition with 26 bonus tracks. This is the epic win of the month. Pinkerton as we know, is one the most influential emo albums of all time. I am actually going to preorder this. Its awesome. Also, is Death to False Metal, an album of 10 unreleased weezer songs. Honestly, they could never release a full compiliation of rare unheard songs. Rivers is so prolific that it would be around 200 songs. That would be the holy grail.. all the demos of weezer. Its impossible to complete that discography.

On Septmber 28th, Invented by Jimmy Eat World was released. I preorder this album and am still waiting for it to arive. As soon as it does I will write a full review, this is my second favourite band behind AFI, and they are amazing. I am so excited for this album. My Best Theory is another amazingly solid track released by the band, although the video is odd. Its still good.

Whats on my playlist of things to listen to. Well right now I am listening to Abandon All Ships! new album, and its alright, almost too metalcore for me. But One Last Breath and Megawacko 2.0 are good songs and even I can get into it. The next album I am listening to is Dancing With a Ghost by Valencia. This is an extremely amazing album . I would go on and write a review but I think it would be better if you just went out and listened to it. Every song on it is amazing. They are not a cliche pop punk band. They are the full package. I would rate them in the same league as the Dangerous Summer in a list of non cliche pop punk bands. Check it out.
Other albums I have to get to and are on my to do list in itunes (I already have them) are -
I am not a human- Lil Wayne
Come Around Sundown (highly anticipated?)- Kings of Leon
Doo-Wops and Hooligans- Bruno Mars (this guy can write hooks)
Some Things Don't Wash Out- You, Me and Everyone We Know (In the vein of Say Anything)

Fall is always the best time for music. Emotion runs wild, and my amygdala is just in full connective mode to my auditory canal. Yes I have been reading too much of Your Brain on Music, but its so good. Fall, the changing of season. The best time to make musical memories.

To finish it off I will leave you with the song MakeDamnSure(Live) from Taking Back Sundays new live album which is almost better than any studio recording they have released. It rocks.

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