Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kanye West's Runaway

Every day there is something that just seems to take me off gaurd in the world of music. Something that I did not expect to happen, something different that is released that just changes the way I view things. Today was no exception.
Kanye West is a guy who has an extremely bad reputation. Sure, the guy is cocky beyond belief, but I believe deep down in him there is someone else. I could be out to lunch on this idea, but you never know, and I probably never will know. Where did I come up with this zealous idea? His music. Kanye West for some reason potrays some kind of emotion in his music that shows me he is not just a monster. You have to look past the layers of autotune, and sometimes overly self-ritious lyrics and you have the man. This man is human, he feels, he is not immune to everything, he is like us.
Kanye West today released his full length film called "Runaway". Although its not a real full length movie, only clocking in around 34 minutes, this is an adaquate time to get his point across. This movie has Kanye at his best and most vulnerable at points. You can feel the guy. I get this feeling he is truely sorry for all the bad things in his life he has done. Essentially this is apology to the world. He expresses himself through the use of the phoenix, the rebirthing symbol. He is becoming a new person. The movie also showcases around 6 of his new songs, which actually sound somewhat impressive when put to pictures. The one I am most looking forward too is his collaboration with Rihanna, All Of the Lights. Its part of the video was a highlight for me. It could be big. If you like Kanye West I would check this out, even if you don't but have 34 minutes to spare, I would check it out. The cinematography is incredible, as well as the song selection. Overall, it was a very good movie, and today I gained a little more respect for Kanye West.

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