Sunday, October 31, 2010

Demo Song- Loops and Rhythm

This is my first working test with music and loops on my home recording studio. Sadly, after this demo I could not figure out how to connect my instruments to the program, so I will be using Garage Band from now on. It turned out extremely well however. This was done using some loops and rhythm machines (this program has some neat features.. its called MAGIX). Enjoy. Today, I also learned how to turn my songs into videos. The big one is coming soon.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kanye West's Runaway

Every day there is something that just seems to take me off gaurd in the world of music. Something that I did not expect to happen, something different that is released that just changes the way I view things. Today was no exception.
Kanye West is a guy who has an extremely bad reputation. Sure, the guy is cocky beyond belief, but I believe deep down in him there is someone else. I could be out to lunch on this idea, but you never know, and I probably never will know. Where did I come up with this zealous idea? His music. Kanye West for some reason potrays some kind of emotion in his music that shows me he is not just a monster. You have to look past the layers of autotune, and sometimes overly self-ritious lyrics and you have the man. This man is human, he feels, he is not immune to everything, he is like us.
Kanye West today released his full length film called "Runaway". Although its not a real full length movie, only clocking in around 34 minutes, this is an adaquate time to get his point across. This movie has Kanye at his best and most vulnerable at points. You can feel the guy. I get this feeling he is truely sorry for all the bad things in his life he has done. Essentially this is apology to the world. He expresses himself through the use of the phoenix, the rebirthing symbol. He is becoming a new person. The movie also showcases around 6 of his new songs, which actually sound somewhat impressive when put to pictures. The one I am most looking forward too is his collaboration with Rihanna, All Of the Lights. Its part of the video was a highlight for me. It could be big. If you like Kanye West I would check this out, even if you don't but have 34 minutes to spare, I would check it out. The cinematography is incredible, as well as the song selection. Overall, it was a very good movie, and today I gained a little more respect for Kanye West.

Na Na Na- My Chemical Romance is on Top. Review.

Looking back on the past decade as an easily influenced teenager, I can say that it was a great time period in pop culture to grow up in. Graphical arts have become more and more realistic, movies now have no limits in what they can effectively portray and underground music has become more accessible to anyone who wants to look. In music, some critics have said that all good music has been done, that the music of today's generation is not as original as the older generation. I beg to differ. I believe that there is plenty of good music around the world, it is just a matter of taste and how hard you look.

When I first watched the video for My Chemical Romance's new song, from their upcoming album Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) I was blown away. Similar to Lady Gaga's music video for Telephone, My Chemical Romances video is packed full of pop culture references, from The Warriors to Star Wars. What I thoroughly enjoyed was that these artists have paid homage to many other pieces of art that has helped create their own music. Art influences art, and My Chemical Romance has taken themes of late 60's to mid 70's pop culture and created their own modern rendition. The video takes place in a desert, like those in California, where the "killjoys" a fantastical group of superhero's, battle monster-like creatures. This artistic brainchild of lead singer Gerard Way, has his band in tight leather costumes and masks riding around in vandalized cars. Everything about the visuals of the video shout out mid 70's. It is weird, it has been done before, but oddly it feels original enough to become utterly fantastic. It is a rapid paced, ADHD prone video, which is perfect for the current generation. With "The Black Parade" also in their belts, this new video places My Chemical Romance as one of the top visual bands of their time.

Lets say I was a child born in 1963 and I was watching Saturday morning cartoons and I heard the opening to this song come on. The immediacy and simple melodic group vocals of " Na Na Na " would hit me and I would think that I had just found my new favourite show. I would then be filled with sorrow finding out that it was just a song. My Chemical Romance , is a band that has created a large almost cult-like following. After the creation of their first two albums, which focused on darker topics such as vampires and other Halloween themes. With the release of their third album "the Black Parade", My Chemical Romance went supersonic with the hit singles "Welcome to the Black Parade" and "Teenagers", selling over a million copies of the record. This was just the start of what is looking more and more like an arena geared sound. With the return of the band, their first single is so immediate and powerful that it will have teenagers everywhere singing.

The song starts with an opening guitar riff that is so immediate and expressed perfectly that you forget it's the only instrument playing. The drums roll in with the bass and you start hearing the catchy group vocals that will remind most people over 40 of classic shows such as Speed Racer. The verse is the building part of this song, but at the same time it is so quick that you almost think it could be a chorus. It features witty one liner lyrics that are thrown question-answer like in your face. When Gerard screams " lets blow an artery" he means it, as every vocal is given with such passion. The verse builds even quicker to the chorus where the group vocals fight back and forth as Gerard bellows in his one liners it sounds as though this is a call to arms. Gerard is beckoning for us join his killjoys to take on the world, and you can feel it. As the song burns to the bridge, the organ keeps us going along, with a muddied guitar piece in the background. The song almost becomes empty after the bridge with the group vocals standing for once on their own. This leads into the final stretch of the song where the fury of guitars, drums and the strain in Gerards voice leads almost to an explosion. Just like any good show the song then fizzles out into the end, with the guitar holding frantically onto its last note.

This song is typical of My Chemical Romance, while at the same time adding a new piece to the bands canon. The guitars are very familiar, but what is different is the feel to the song. Normally you get the feeling of isolation in the band's songs. That you are alone in the world, just struggling to survive. This song adds the feeling of being together, ready to take the world on. The group vocals give justice to this theory as they create a certain warmth to the song. What is also atypical to a My Chemical Song is the small use of synthesizer, and sound effects. They can be found subtly in the song and emphasize the tv-show feel of the piece.


As a well rounded music listener, I find that this song is one that should be listened to, just because it is so interesting, even if you don't enjoy this certain genre. It is a strong powerful song backed by a culturally important video. It is always nice to see when a band that goes big after one album does not shrink into obscurity after their follow-up one. My Chemical Romance has not just met their past work, but raised the bar even higher, and I invite anyone who wants to come along for the ride to do so. Even if you don't like the song, watch the video because it is one that will stay in your mind for a long time.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


This is going to be a slam blog of everything that has happened the past little bit in the world of music. Firstly, there are a number of albums that are making me super excited. First, the new My Chemical Romance album. Its coming out this November, and its going to be big. Just like the Black Parade, which was probably a number of angsty teenagers favourite album back in 2006. It was an epic concept album based upon the death of a man, and it was glorious. The guitar solos, the lyrics, it was the whole package. This new album promises to be similar, with it also being based on far out themes. From what we have heard- the intro track, and the lead single Na Na Na (which is burning up the airwaves already- an epic rock anthem). What I am liking is the radio anouncer. It reminds me of the Warriors I love the announcer in the movie. It gives me chills. This album is making me extremely excited.

Whats next. Shortly, the new Linkin Park album came out. A Thousand Suns. Although its not my favourite release by them. It is still alright. Songs to look at are, The Catalyst, Wretches and Kings, When They Come for Me and Irridescent.

On November 2nd Weezer is releasing two new albums. The first one is the Pinkerton Reissue deluxe edition with 26 bonus tracks. This is the epic win of the month. Pinkerton as we know, is one the most influential emo albums of all time. I am actually going to preorder this. Its awesome. Also, is Death to False Metal, an album of 10 unreleased weezer songs. Honestly, they could never release a full compiliation of rare unheard songs. Rivers is so prolific that it would be around 200 songs. That would be the holy grail.. all the demos of weezer. Its impossible to complete that discography.

On Septmber 28th, Invented by Jimmy Eat World was released. I preorder this album and am still waiting for it to arive. As soon as it does I will write a full review, this is my second favourite band behind AFI, and they are amazing. I am so excited for this album. My Best Theory is another amazingly solid track released by the band, although the video is odd. Its still good.

Whats on my playlist of things to listen to. Well right now I am listening to Abandon All Ships! new album, and its alright, almost too metalcore for me. But One Last Breath and Megawacko 2.0 are good songs and even I can get into it. The next album I am listening to is Dancing With a Ghost by Valencia. This is an extremely amazing album . I would go on and write a review but I think it would be better if you just went out and listened to it. Every song on it is amazing. They are not a cliche pop punk band. They are the full package. I would rate them in the same league as the Dangerous Summer in a list of non cliche pop punk bands. Check it out.
Other albums I have to get to and are on my to do list in itunes (I already have them) are -
I am not a human- Lil Wayne
Come Around Sundown (highly anticipated?)- Kings of Leon
Doo-Wops and Hooligans- Bruno Mars (this guy can write hooks)
Some Things Don't Wash Out- You, Me and Everyone We Know (In the vein of Say Anything)

Fall is always the best time for music. Emotion runs wild, and my amygdala is just in full connective mode to my auditory canal. Yes I have been reading too much of Your Brain on Music, but its so good. Fall, the changing of season. The best time to make musical memories.

To finish it off I will leave you with the song MakeDamnSure(Live) from Taking Back Sundays new live album which is almost better than any studio recording they have released. It rocks.