Friday, September 10, 2010

Top Five Movie Posters

Number Five
This poster screams excitement with symmetrical position of the actors. Made to market in a time of depression and stress. This poster would catch anyones attention of the time.

Number Four

This poster screams action. This movie already had a huge following, but they wanted to reboot the series. Boy, did they do it. This poster is part of the reason for its success.

Number Three

Shows adventure and excitement. The floating head feature is similar to Star Wars. It shows the whole movie in the poster, very effective.

Number Two

This poster is very interesting. Once again the floating heads, which remind me of Mt. Rushmore with the American flag just dripping and bleeding downwards onto the lake. Visually appealing- this is a masterpiece.


Number One

This poster is just plan awesome. Made for the cold war era. I find it commical, political and vivid. It gives the point across, and its satire is easily seen. The colours stand out, it is symmetrical, not too busy. This is just an all-around fantastic poster.

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