Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Return of Bowie

Just another quick update here. This track was released by surprise yesterday by an artist who has been inactive for 10 years. David Bowie, world famous for his theatrical characters like Ziggy Stardust has just released his new single from his upcoming album The Next Day. The first single is called "Where Are We Now" and it is very interesting. At my first glance it reminded me a bit of the song "Sweet Thing" from his album Diamond Dogs. However, to say that this song is similar to his back catalog would be an overstatement, it is new and fits perfectly in the modern age. The downtrodden and introspective nature Bowie takes in this song (which looks back on his days writing the Berlin-trilogy) is something not entirely different than the feel I get from many modern bands. What sets "Where Are We Now" from other introspective songs of late is its instrumentation. It gives the feel of minimalism, but yet it lacks that as it is a big song. It is good to see Bowie back on form and actually releasing new music. If this song is any indication of the rest of the album, it is going to be good and truly shows that Bowie has not lost a step in his musical genius.