Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Back Again

I used to write on this blog. That was a long time ago. I feel that the time to write on it again as come. 
Music has always been a big part of my life and for some reason I never seem to stop looking for good music. People always get satisfied by finding their favourite bands and listening to them over and over again. I used to be like that too. However, now I can't get a new song past 20 plays on my iTunes. I always here the same thing- that modern music sucks. I disagree with that as I regularly find new music that is astonishing. Sure, we will never have the Beach Boys or the Beatles again, but hey, there is still some pretty good music being made. The purpose of this blog from now on is to just post some new music when I find it such that someone else can be exposed to that music and maybe find a new artist they would like to support. The music I will post will probably be a mixture of underground and mainstream music. I personally think that artists who are signed to major labels still have credibility, they got there for a reason, they are appealing and actually have some pretty good songs (not necessarily the singles).  Let us start this blog again.

London Grammar

To start the blog again here is a band I found last night quite late in the evening. They are a trio of musicians from London, England and of course call themselves London Grammar. They are really quite underground but they have a nice sound. The restrain in the song (as well as the tone of the guitars) remind me a little bit of the XX. The seemingly classically-trained voice mixed with the gentle raindrop of the guitar and the atmospheric synth in the background create a trance-like vibe that draws you in. Frankly, she could be saying anything and I probably would not pay much attention to it as the vibe of the song seems destined for some montage scene in a movie. This seems to be one of their first songs and I look forward to future outputs from this band.